
Clinic Visits

How often?

We are a family-centred program. We rely on our partnerships with you to provide the best care possible. Initially, we may ask you to come more frequently for appointments, especially when the diagnosis is new. Over time, we are often able to stretch the time period between appointments when your child is well. At a minimum, we would like to see your child every 6-12 months. Your health care provider will guide you about the appropriate follow-up care required.
In Ontario, the pediatric age is considered 0-18 years old. This means we see children until they are 18. Six month to one year prior to your child’s 18th birthday, we will discuss transitional care to an adult care setting.

Length of appointment time?

Each patient is scheduled a 15 minute appointment time. At time this can vary as there are unforeseen circumstances that cause delay to you. We apologize if you are made to wait, however we do our best to ensure the clinic remains on time. As a courtesy to other patients and families, please aim to be on time for your appointments.

Tips to get the most out of your clinic visit:

  1. List of questions or concerns.
  2. List of medications or supplements your child is taking.
  3. Check if you need any prescription refills.
  4. Notify us when checking in if you are coordinating your appointment with another health care professional i.e. dietician, child life, social work.

What to bring to my appointment?

Your child’s Ontario health card, blue hospital card, and a list of any medications they are taking including dosages.

Who should attend?

Your child is the patient of the program. It is a requirement that your child come to every clinic appointment. Parents ONLY cannot be seen by the team without your child. You may bring whomever you are comfortable with, or feel is a support, or decision maker for your child and family.